Streamline user issue reporting with BugBridge

Let users submit issues with the data YOU need to debug. Turn long incomprensible stack traces into a nice URL.

Try it out - Here is an example URL we generate for you that you can return to a user!
preview landing

Empower your users

Give your users the power to submit issues with the information YOU need. No more expecting users to understand your logs!

Comprehensive Github issues with just a click.
You decide whats useful, don't rely on brief user descriptions.
With entire stack traces hidden behind a simple, short url.
Empower your users

Coming soon

The plan is to slowly release more and more features... Here are some of the planned upcoming changes!

Custom Templates

Custom issue templates tailored to your projects' needs.

SDKs for other languages

Easy to use SDKs for other languages like Python, Javascript and Golang etc.